Instructor:Dorman Bullard (telephone: days at 379-6168)
When:The third session is Saturday, Jun 2, and a fourth possibly Jun 16).
All will be on Saturday mornings.
Time:All classes will be from 9:00-12:00 AM.
Where:At the Pyle Recreation Center in Tempe,
on Southern at Rural (on the south side of the street next to the library.)
Cost:Free for AMUG members.
Equipment:It is not required that you bring a Macintosh to this initial session. However you might find a use for it if you do. We would like to have at least a couple Macs at each session. I would like a couple volunteers to bring a Mac. Those willing, please give me a call (days at 379-6168). Announcements will be made at each
session as to the needs for the next session. However, you
should always bring several initialized disks to all meetings.